Sunday, December 6, 2015

How to DIY your family photo!

I'm pretty stoked about this year's Christmas card photo. Why? Because I took the picture myself! And, I did this without setting a timer and running like hell to make into the picture! I know the invention that allowed me to do this is nothing new (especially in the blogging world!), but nonetheless I just recently purchased one! Drum roll! A remote clicker for my camera!! You may be groaning (as my husband did when I excitedly ripped the package open), but the handy little clicker allowed me to capture this beautiful memory of my family!!  It took us, meaning me, longer to get ready then it did to go outside in our pasture and take this picture! We decided to take this photo only a couples hours prior to doing so! It was really cold that day so only ended up taking about 20 pictures, but we ended up with this gem!

The majority did not turn out, and then there were a couple like the one below. Memories!
I recommend taking several to make sure you have something to work with!! 
I also wish I would have captured of few of just my kiddos, but like I said it was COLD (I forgot!).

Here's what you need....

    1. A camera or a smartphone. A Christmas present to me a few years ago was a fairly nice camera. The Nikon J1. A bit of an investment, but well worth it if you can avoid hiring a pro! I have also had my parents take our picture with it as well. We picked this particular one for its compact size, comparable features to say the DSLR, and its ease of use. Since the purchase of this camera many newer versions have been made. I really enjoy the J1, but can't speak to the newer models. If you are thinking of purchasing a new camera look into the remote capabilities. Not all cameras have this option.
    2. A tripod. You can probably make do without a tripod if you are using a camera, and just use whatever you can find to prop up your camera. Like some books and your truck tailgate! BUT it sure is easier with one!! The last tripod we had broke forcing me to pick THIS ONE up at Wal-Mart. Given more time I might have picked a different one, but so far its getting the job done. Now, if you are using your smart phone I think a tripod is a must. Like THIS ONE, but there are numerous ones to pick from.
    3. A REMOTE. The magic to all this is the remote. I purchased an actual Nikon brand remote. It was a little more expensive than an aftermarket choice, but I wanted to be sure it worked. And it did! Literally no setup. Just turned the remote and camera on and BOOM it worked! If you are using your phone its going to depend on the make and model, but there is most likely one out there for your particular phone. My first stop would be Amazon! More about my love affair with Amazon in another post.
    4. A willing family! Bribes may be required!

I ended up purchasing our cards this year from Vistaprint. I like that Vistaprint doesn't advertise or put their logo on your Christmas card, and I liked a particular design better than others I had found this year. I have used Shutterfly and Pear Tree.  The EARLIER you order your cards the more SAVINGS you are likely to find! I have ordered from Wal-Mart when I have procrastinated and didn't want to pay full price for the previous mentioned sites.

ALL of this information might be DUH! to you, but it was a duh moment for me to put it all together and go for it!

Best wishes. Audra

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